Because of the appropriate conditions to host life, some creatures were immediately encountered upon...
This planet, which is hosted by a dim red dwarf star, takes 8.5 days to complete its orbit. This pla...
The Speculoos Advent vehicle a product of the Colony is the vehicle that provides explorers with a t...
This suit manufactured by the Colony is the prime example of a suit that offers the explorers agilit...
As soon as the explorers arrived in Teegarden they noticed a creature which seemed like mythological...
Teegarden Star c is the planet with the best orbit to make it a good candidate to build a civilizati...
The Roamer is amongst the vehicles with best handling manufactured by the Colony. This vehicle offer...
Teegarden Suit an exploration suit manufactured by the Colony gives the explorers a decent armor and...
Because of the higher influx of light from its star, the vegetation of Luyten b grows a bit more tha...
Luyten b is closer to its host star than Earth making it take 6% more energy from its star than our...
Manufactured by the Colony, Luyten Vehicle gives the explorers a proper vehicle for exploration with...
Luyten suit is amongst the most sturdy suits built by the Colony. The suit also features advanced te...
The landscape on this planet while at first glance would seem very welcoming, the creatures already...
KIC 966267 b is hosted by a Sun cooler than SOL. The planet orbits its star almost at a perfect circ...
This vehicle manufactured by The Colony has been built to be a fast means of travel for explorers an...
KIC suit is what an explorer would ask for if they were to imagine something which can provide them...
While the landscape and general nature of this planet on first glance would seem very similar to tha...
KOI-701.04 is in the habitable zone of the star KOI-701. This planet has a mass of 35 Earths and a r...
KOI Transit manufactured by the Colony, was designed with transportation in mind. This vehicle is ma...
Koi suit manufactured by the Colony for the exploration of KOI-701.04. The suit provides its wearer...
Kepler Shell manufactured by the Colony is what every planetary explorer would enjoy working and res...
Rocinante is quite close to its host star Cervantes, making the planet get a lot of ultraviolet radi...
Rocinante also known as HD 160691 and Mu Arae d is a planet way bigger than Earth and is accompanied...
Rocinante Scarab features high speeds, amazing handling and it's suitable for terrains such as the o...
Rocinante Suit manufactured by the Colony for the Rocinante planet. This suit provides the explorer...
Centauri Outpost could almost be qualified as a settlement base because of its size and armor. This...
While most of the surface of this planet is icy because of low energy from the host star, it seems l...
OGLE-2016-BLG-1195L b goes around a very faint star. It takes this planet 4.4 year to orbit its star...
OGLE vehicle's main purpose is to provide the explorers suitable exploration means for unforeseen te...
The Ogle suit manufactured by the Colony is the first one that features also an appearance accessory...
The 1E Nomad Module has been manufactured with the long-distance explorers of exoplanets. The Nomad...
In Gliese 667 C c, one would notice that many plants and creatures have a strange glow to them, and...
Gliese 667 C c takes around 90% of light from its star compared to Earth, though most of the light i...
Gliese Vehicle is capable of navigating in diverse terrains and also is equipped with weapons that h...
Gliese Suit is an outwear for explorers of Gliese 667 C c. The suit provides protection to the envir...
Wolf Responder manufactured by the Colony was designed as a fast response vehicle to Renegade action...
Rogue Enforcer is the first land vehicle produced by the Renegade faction. Rogue Enforcer was manufa...
In Wolf 1069 b it's usually raining and it's very humid, so that moss is almost everywhere and also...
Wolf 1069 b is the sole planet with approximately the size of Earth that orbits the star Wolf 1069....
The Wolf vehicle is a ground exploration asset for Wolf 1069 b. With the Renegades being considered...
Wolf suit built for the exploration of Wolf 1069 b offers great protection from nature elements, esp...
Constructed by The Colony, the Kepler Falcon is a flying vehicle which does great in aerial short-ra...
Kepler 186 F orbits the star Kepler 186 and it's part of a system with four other planets. Kepler 18...
Kepler 186 F landscape has most of its water frozen with small parts here and there unfreezing durin...
Centauri Cruiser main purpose is to swiftly transport people; hence it features large storage space,...
Kepler Vehicle features tracks as a way of transport in order to maneuver the icy and snowy terrain...
Kepler suit was produced to be suitable for the frigid cold weather of Kepler 186 F. While maintaini...
Rogue Interceptor is the first vehicle produced by the Rogue faction. The main features of this flyi...
Illion sole purpose was to be a backup plan in case Star Access One would experience a catastrophic...
RENEGADE MANIFESTO Democracy throughout the recorded history, gave way to make decisions to people w...
Proxima Centauri b also known as Alpha Centauri Cb is a planet that orbits a red dwarf. This planet...
A view of the landscape of Proxima Centauri b. At the right moments the views can be quite welcoming...
A special vehicle initially designed and manufactured for exploration of Proxima Centauri b planet....
A suit mostly developed to be suitable in the Proxima Centauri b planet conditions. While the suit p...
Low orbit vehicles or "LOV" are vehicles suitable for aerial exploration of planets and low orbit fl...
Extra-galactic outpost for short EGO, is an outpost in the intergalactic space. When the first Star...
With the doom looming over Earth, the scientists became the most valuable people. It would be the sc...
Sleeping Quarters for the crew aboard the Star Access One spaceship
Sometimes people leave to ensure the safety and life of those left behind.
The Star Access One spaceship, is the first ship sent by mankind to look for potential suitable plan...
A crew member of Star Access One bidding farewell to Earth in silence.