Elmira's Contemplation

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Star Access
Star Access
With the doom looming over Earth, the scientists became the most valuable people. It would be the scientists who would inspect the potential planets whether for their current status, or their future perspective, in order to determine how people can survive in the new planets, what they should be cautious about, and make new discoveries. This situation gathered up the brightest minds from around the World, to depart for another home, another home for themselves and their studies. Elmira was one of those scientists summoned for the Star Access One mission, and as she got the letter of recruitment, bitterness filled her heart like never before. She had to decide whether to stay and spend the rest of her life on Earth and further her studies some more, the data of which she could forward to the Star Colonies, or she would have to board Star Access One and abandon Earth forever so that she could help humanity survive, take part in vital studies for the New Worlds ecosystems, and probably stumble upon things beyond her imagination. Elmira contemplated all night, a night which she would remember as the last silence she heard on Earth, a silence which seemed like a silent weep from mother Earth, letting her know that it's alright to let go. In the morning, Elmira accepted the recruitment call, thinking to herself that she has to do her best to give the mankind the best chances to survive, because humans are the legacy of Earth...
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