Deep within Gaia's underground, where neon lights cast shifting shadows and power flowed like curren...
Under the unrelenting sun of Gaia's frontier, Arman carved out a solitary existence as a mercenary u...
In the rugged expanses of Gaia's western frontier, amidst the dust and shadows, Griselda thrived as...
Toxic clouds parted as Rina Kusakabe's dropship hit the ravaged surface of Earth, her ancestral kata...
In the annals of Gaia's history, Akira Ishiguro stood as a titan among warriors, her name etched in...
Magnum was a creature of the open road, his heart as wild as the untamed lands he traversed. With a...
Meryl Reiner stood as a formidable leader among mercenaries, her name a whispered legend among both...
As the heiress to her father's legacy within Gaia, Ilya was burdened with the expectation to maintai...