A grain of sand in a sea of glass. My name is Alina Simona, a multidisciplinary artist known by the pseudonym Anymatnft, constantly searching for beauty and ways to expose it to viewers. I was born on the shores of the Black Sea, in Romania. I made my debut in the digital art scene through collages, trying to evoke through my works feelings that are easily recognizable, but difficult to convey in words (memories, dreams). My passion for digital art developed, and I discovered AI technology. So I explored this branch, integrating it delicately into my subsequent collections, managing to diversify my portfolio and evolve significantly in this new journey, still full of unknowns. Always wanting to step out of my comfort zone, I learned to explore different programs to beautify my art, realizing that even in this field there are no limits when you truly desire something. It took courage, patience, and perseverance to realize my dream with small but sure steps. Your support means the world to me. I aim to share the beauty of everyday experiences and emotions through my art. Thank you for being part of my journey!

I will reward my supporters every month with:

- One artwork edition for every supporter.

- One artwork edition to 50% of supporters randomly chosen.

- One NFT for 25% of supporters randomly chosen.

- One 1/1 unique artwork to a single supporter randomly chosen among the top 10 by score.

Additionally, I will be dropping new artwork to all my subscribers from time to time.

These benefits are subject to change. Follow me on X to stay on top of any announcements.
