Guardians of the Quantum Gate

Frequent: 49/49 (100.00%)

This captivating digital artwork portrays two figures—a large, imposing guardian with a spear and a small, curious rabbit—standing before a radiant, otherworldly portal. The neon lights and geometric floor blend the digital and physical realms, symbolizing the convergence of technology and nature. The piece captures a moment of anticipation as these guardians stand at the threshold of a new era, ready to explore the unknown. "Guardians of the Quantum Gate" is a tribute to the pioneers of our future, merging human and artificial forces in harmony. Minted as an NFT, "Guardians of the Quantum Gate" invites its holders to join this journey, becoming part of a narrative that transcends time and space.
Minted on
Mint Copies49
Mint Date08/31/2024
Style Pixelated Retro Aesthetic
NFT DROPSketch - Super Supporters
Rabbit r1 Magic CameraAI-Generated Art
Exclusive and LimitedFirst NFT collection to feature Rabbit R1 Magic Cam artwork