Catalina Blanco

Rare: 179/715 (25.03%)

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The Magic City
Catalina Blanco is a fierce and fearless hitwoman operating in the underworld of Miami. Born and raised in Colombia, she honed her skills in the ruthless streets of Bogotá before moving to the vibrant yet perilous Magic City. Every mission she undertakes is executed with a blend of elegance and brutality, leaving behind a trail of chaos and a message that no one is untouchable. Her piercing green eyes and stunning features are as mesmerizing as they are deadly. Catalina is known for using her undeniable sex appeal to seduce and get close to her marks, ensuring they never see her lethal intentions until it's too late. The name Catalina is spoken among those who seek vengeance. In the shadows of Magic City, where danger lurks around every corner, her story captures the essence of an era where power, violence, and intrigue intertwined.
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Created by - Des_Digitals 2024Name - Catalina Blanco
Distribution - 179Collection - The Magic City