Baja Serenade

Frequent: 23/23 (100.00%)

Description: "Baja Serenade" is a vibrant art piece that captures the essence of Baja California Sur's idyllic beaches. The artwork embodies the spirit of adventure and the soothing serenity of the seaside. Vivid swirls of color evoke the mesmerizing sunsets of Los Cerritos Beach, while the stylized balcony and flourishing flora pay homage to La Balandra's natural beauty. Each sculpted detail is a tribute to the relaxing and invigorating atmosphere of Baja's coastal paradise, making it a perfect artistic rendition for your Poolie subscribers to cherish and reflect upon their own serene beach memories.
Minted on
Mint Date 04/16/2024
Mint Copies23
Sketch Profile
InspirationTodo Santos B.C.S Mexico