Becky Blaze

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Zombie Inferno
Introducing Becky Blaze, the undead life of the party and the ultimate fan girl of the rock band Zombie Inferno! Becky is a familiar face in the front row, hardly ever missing a performance and despite the decay on her face, her eyes glow red with excitement as the band takes the stage. Becky has become legendary among Zombie Inferno fans for her unique dance moves – a captivating fusion of zombie shuffling and headbanging that perfectly complements the band's hard-hitting chords. Her decomposing limbs don't stop her from rocking out with an infectious energy that spreads through the crowd. So, if you ever find yourself at a Zombie Inferno concert, keep an eye out for Becky Blaze, the undead firecracker who proves that even zombies know how to rock on with style and flair!
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Created by - Des_Digitals 2024Name - Becky Blaze
Limited Edition - 1/1Collection - Zombie Inferno