#21 Pixelated Soul Fragment

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#21 Pixelated Soul Fragment 1/14/2024 is apart of the collection "Pixelated Soul Fragments," created by Multi-Disciplinary Poetic Expressionist Artist, poet, fashion designer, and web3 creator, De La Soul Child (b. Christopher Moises Torres). Pixelated Soul Fragments is the pixel series of Soul Fragments, the artists signature abstract shapes style. Soul Fragments represent the pieces of our souls that are formed from our daily living experience. From positive to negative. This collection serves as the first Pixel Collection based off Soul Fragments. Soul Fragments takes on a life of it's own, a part of the artist that is minimal, yet fun, pulling inspiration from the dark and light, all while mingling into the Artists' overall art aesthetic, physically and digitally.
Minted on
ArtistDe La Soul Child
Pixel PaletteBlue Sky Icing
Release Date1/14/2024