The Virians

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In a photograph captured by Clic, our favorite galactic explorer, we glimpse the alien planet Viria. Resembling Earth's serene landscapes, Viria is home to the Virians—beings with green skin and radiant, softly glowing eyes reflecting their friendly and peaceful nature. Often seen cruising in saucer-shaped ships, they visit Earth, drawn by the similarity in atmospheres. Virians communicate telepathically and through blinking green lights in their eyes. These benevolent beings eagerly await the day when humanity reaches enlightenment, anticipating the moment they can extend a hand in friendship to our world. The lingering question in the cosmic air: When will that day arrive for humans and Virians to unite in understanding and harmony? Clic's photograph captures not just an alien landscape but also the potential for an extraordinary interspecies connection.
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Created by - Des_Digitals 2023Name - The Virians
Limited Edition - 20 Clic's Portfolio Photo #2Collection - Galactic Realms