Gory, Munch, Crunch and Crumble

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The sweet Decay Squad had a rather odd belief. They were convinced that by devouring copious amounts of candy, their rotting bodies would transform into delectable cakes, and the world around them would become a giant oven. It was a macabre delusion that brought them dark amusement as they roamed the streets in search of their next saccharine feast.\nEvery day, Gory, with his torn flesh and exposed bones, would don a chef's hat and announce, \"Time to bake, my undead comrades!\" The squad would gather around a table laden with candies, from lollipops to gummy worms, and gleefully munch away. With each bite, they would savor the illusion that their decayed limbs were turning into layers of moist cake, and their twisted surroundings transformed into a tantalizing oven.\nMunch, the jolly but toothless zombie, would chomp on jawbreakers and giggle, pretending he had bitten into a perfectly frosted cupcake. Crunch, with his unnerving jaw that could crack bones, savored caramel candies, imagining them as delicious caramelized cake layers.\nCrumble, the brains—or rather, crumbs—of the operation, had a penchant for devouring candy bars. He would meticulously break them apart, claiming to find layers of heavenly sponge cake within. The other zombies would chuckle at Crumble's crumbling logic, their dark laughter filling the air.\nAs the Sweet Decay Squad satisfied their twisted cravings, they'd share stories of their imagined cake transformations. They'd describe their icing-covered hands and sponge-like flesh, all while laughing heartily. Passersby would recoil in both amusement and horror, unsure whether to join in the laughter or run for their lives.\nThey wrote a song called \"Bake Me, Baby\": A humorous ballad that expresses the zombies' desire to be enveloped in an imaginary oven, singing about the joy of being baked to perfection.
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